Where can I check to see if my health benefit claim has been paid?
To find information on processed claims, please log in to your member account. From there, you can choose to view the claims section and see your claim history. For additional questions, please contact our customer service team at 833-600-1311.
How do I get a prior authorization?A prior authorization is an approval that a member must receive from their health plan before receiving certain treatment, medications or services. To get a prior authorization, please contact our customer service team at 833-600-1311.
What services and treatments require prior authorization?
To see the list of services and treatments that require prior authorization, please click here.
Do I need a referral to see a specialist?No. As a member of the Ascension Personalized Care EPO network, you do not need a referral to see an in-network specialist. Please contact your specialist directly to schedule an appointment.
Related help topics: My Benefits and Coverage, Managing my Account, Payments, General Questions