
Step-by-step enrollment guide

We can help you navigate the enrollment process for an Ascension Personalized Care plan.

Step-by-step enrollment guide

We can help you navigate the enrollment process for an Ascension Personalized Care plan.

  • Step 1: Determine who needs health coverage

    You can apply for health coverage for yourself, a family member, or dependent:

    Enter your age and gender.

    You will also be asked if you are:

    •       A tobacco user
    •       Pregnant 
    •       Eligible for coverage through Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare, or an employer

    Please note: You may not be eligible to receive advance payments of the premium tax credit or other cost savings if you qualify for Medicaid, CHIP, or employer insurance. Also, as a reminder, you are not eligible for an ACA plan if you are on Medicare. 

    You can also add a spouse or dependent(s). You will need to enter the age and gender of all family members you would like covered on your policy. 

  • Step 2: Insert your household information

    You will be asked two questions:

    •       How many people are in your tax household?
    •       What is your estimated 2023 household income?

    Please note: Your eligibility for savings is generally based on the income of all household members, even those who do not need insurance.

  • Step 3: View your savings
    This page lets you know how much you will save on your monthly premium. This is an initial estimate. You will see your exact savings when you apply.
  • Step 4: Choose how much healthcare you think your family will use, per person, in 2023

    You will be asked to select from three choices: low, medium, or high amount of healthcare services.

    Making a guess is perfectly fine. This will not affect your monthly premium and will not limit how much you can use your healthcare coverage.

    Why do we ask these questions? This will help us find the right plan for your needs.

  • Step 5: List your preferred doctors, specialists, or hospitals
    Providing this will help you see which plans your doctors accept.
  • Step 6: List any prescription drugs you currently take
    You can see which plans cover your medications, and what your payment will be.
  • Step 7: Find out what the most affordable plan is for you

    You can compare plans and find the one that’s right for you and your family. You will see:

    •       Your monthly premium
    •       Your yearly deductible
    •       Your out-of-pocket maximum 
    •       Doctor visit costs
    •       Specialist visit costs
    •       Generic prescription drug costs

    To sign up for a plan, click “enroll in this plan.”

  • Step 8: To activate your new coverage, you must pay for your first month’s premium by your plan’s due date
    •       We will contact you with details on how to pay, or visit us at to make your payment now.
    •       Your payment must be received and processed by the effective date, to be fully enrolled.
    •       Do not send payments to the Health Insurance Marketplace.
    •       You will be given an estimated plan effective date and the amount that will be due each month.
  • Step 9: To finish your enrollment, make your first payment online to activate your Ascension Personalized Care plan
    •       Payments must be received by the due date to activate your coverage.
    •       If you are unable to make your payment online, click the Learn More button to see other payment options.  
    •       When you click Pay My First Payment Online, you will be directed to a page that will give you the option to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Step 10: Click “Pay Amount”
    • The next screen will explain your payment summary, monthly tax credit, and when the next payment is due.
    • You will receive an email confirmation and information about when your plan will be active. 
    • A physical insurance card will be sent to you in the mail. You can also view a digital copy of your card from your online member portal.
    • To access the member portal, you will need to create your Ascension ID.
  • Step 11: Create your Ascension ID to access and manage your Ascension Personalized Care plan
    • To begin, enter your email address or phone number. You will receive a verification code for security purposes.
    • Enter this code in the box provided.
    • Your account will be verified and you can begin using the Ascension Personalized Care member portal immediately.